Wednesday, August 7, 2013

why hello there miss regina george!

deepak and oprah's 'miraculous relationships' 21 day meditation challenge has started and there is still time to register and jump on board the destination zen train! 

i know for some of you out there the idea of meditation might be quite confronting or even just that little bit too holistically eccentric but i would bet if you are reading this blog then you must at least be curious about living a little more 'well'. so the question then becomes, what's stopping you??? i know for me i am admittedly my own worst enemy. for a very long time i let my inner cynical bitch reign my day and i can tell you she is one self-sabotaging, ruthlessly negative and truly stubborn mean girl!

it took me a really long time to overthrow this part of myself and that's not to say she doesn't rear her ugly head (normally as the alarm goes off at 5:30 am, or while getting dressed for a night out) but now i can recognise her for what she really is... fear.
my tip... acknowledge the excuses and disses this bitch throws your way but then let them go. the more you realise that that voice isn't really you talking and you question the motives behind it, the quieter she tends to get! 

now i'm not promising that meditation or really anything i advocate will 'change your life' like it has mine, we're all different and have to find our own 'happy' but what i am saying is don't let that bitch inside you kill your vibe! 

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